We are very deligthed to be part again during next EURegionsWeek. We have a workshop on youth empowerment and recovery in a closer way under the lead of our Vice-President Reggio Emilia as well as an active speaking part during the workshop organised by the OECD about Remote work and the new geography of jobs in the EU: an opportunity for intermediary cities. We are looking forward to interesting discussions and new input. Registrations open on 31. August. Stay tuned! Home | European Week of Regions and Cities (europa.eu)

European Week of Regions and Cities 10-13 October


We are very deligthed to be part again during next EURegionsWeek. We have a workshop on youth empowerment and recovery in a closer way under the lead of our Vice-President Reggio Emilia as well as an active speaking part during the workshop organised by the OECD about Remote work and the new geography of jobs in the EU: an opportunity for intermediary cities. We are looking forward to interesting discussions and new input. Registrations open on 31. August. Stay tuned! Home | European Week of Regions and Cities (europa.eu)